Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Health and Illness

The Basic Human Needs
 Each individual has unique characteristics, but certain needs are common to all people.
 A need is something that is desirable,useful or necessary.
 Human needs are physiologic and psychologic conditions that an individual must meet to achieve a state of health or well-being.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs
1. Oxygen
2. Fluids
3. Nutrition
4. Body temperature
5. Elimination
6. Rest and sleep
7. Sex
Safety and Security
1. Physical safety
2. Psychological safety
3. The need for shelter and freedom from harm and danger
Love and belonging
1. The need to love and be loved
2. The need to care and to be cared for.
3. The need for affection: to associate or to belong
4. The need to establish fruitful and meaningful relationships with people,institution, or organization
Self-Esteem Needs
1. Self-worth
2. Self-identity
3. Self-respect
4. Body image
Self-Actualization Needs
1. The need to learn, create and understand or comprehend
2. The need for harmonious relationships
3. The need for beauty or aesthetics
4. The need for spiritual fulfillment
Characteristics of Basic Human Needs
1. Needs are universal.
2. Needs may be met in different ways
3. Needs may be stimulated by external and internal factor
4. Priorities may be deferred
5. Needs are interrelated
Concepts of health and Illness
1. is the fundamental right of every human being. It is the state of integration of the body and mind
2. Health and illness are highly individualized perception. Meanings and descriptions of health and illness vary among people in relation to geography and to culture.
3. Health - is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (WHO)
4. Health – is the ability to maintain the internal milieu. Illness is the result of failure to maintain the internal environment.(Claude Bernard)
5. Health – is the ability to maintain homeostasis or dynamic equilibrium. Homeostasis is regulated by the negative feedback mechanism.(Walter Cannon)
6. Health – is being well and using ones’s power to the fullest extent. Health is maintained through prevention of diseases via environmental health factors.(Florence Nightingale)
7. Health – is viewed in terms of the individual’s ability to perform 14 components of nursing care unaided. (Henderson)
8. Positive Health – symbolizes wellness. It is value term defined by the culture or individual. (Rogers)
9. Health – is a state of a process of being becoming an integrated and whole as a person.(Roy)
10. Health – is a state the characterized by soundness or wholeness of developed human structures and of bodily and mental functioning.(Orem)
11. Health- is a dynamic state in the life cycle;illness is an interference in the life cycle. (King)
12. Wellness – is the condition in which all parts and subparts of an individual are in harmony with the whole system. (Neuman)
13. Health – is an elusive, dynamic state influenced by biologic,psychologic, and social factors.Health is reflected by the organization, interaction, interdependence and integration of the subsystems of the behavioral system.(Johnson)
Illness and Disease
 is a personal state in which the person feels unhealthy.
 Illness is a state in which a person’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental,or spiritual functioning is diminished or impaired compared with previous experience.
 Illness is not synonymous with disease.

 An alteration in body function resulting in reduction of capacities or a shortening of the normal life span.
Common Causes of Disease
1. Biologic agent – e.g. microorganism
2. Inherited genetic defects – e.g. cleft palate
3. Developmental defects – e.g. imperforate anus
4. Physical agents – e.g. radiation, hot and cold substances, ultraviolet rays

5. Chemical agents – e.g. lead, asbestos, carbon monoxide
6. Tissue response to irritations/injury – e.g. inflammation, fever
7. Faulty chemical/metabolic process – e.g. inadequate insulin in diabetes
8. Emotional/physical reaction to stress – e.g. fear, anxiety
Stages of Illness
1. Symptoms Experience- experience some symptoms, person believes something is wrong
3 aspects –physical, cognitive, emotional
2. Assumption of Sick Role – acceptance of illness, seeks advice
3. Medical Care Contact
Seeks advice to professionals for validation of real illness,explanation of symptoms, reassurance
or predict of outcome
4. Dependent Patient Role
The person becomes a client dependent on the health professional for help.
Accepts/rejects health professional’s suggestions.
Becomes more passive and accepting.
5. Recovery/Rehabilitation
Gives up the sick role and returns to former roles and functions.
Risk Factors of a Disease
1. Genetic and Physiological Factors
 For example, a person with a family history of diabetes mellitus, is at risk in developing the disease later in life.
2. Age
 Age increases and decreases susceptibility ( risk of heart diseases increases with age for both sexes
3. Environment
 The physical environment in which a person works or lives can increase the likelihood that certain illnesses will occur.
4. Lifestyle
 Lifestyle practices and behaviors can also have positive or negative effects on health.
Classification of Diseases
1. According to Etiologic Factors
a. Hereditary – due to defect in the genes of one or other parent which is transmitted to the
i. offspring
b. Congenital – due to a defect in the development, hereditary factors, or prenatal infection
c. Metabolic – due to disturbances or abnormality in the intricate processes of metabolism.
d. Deficiency – results from inadequate intake or absorption of essential dietary factor.
e. Traumatic- due to injury
f. Allergic – due to abnormal response of the body to chemical and protein substances or to physical stimuli.
g. Neoplastic – due to abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cell.
h. Idiopathic –Cause is unknown; self-originated; of spontaneous origin
i. Degenerative –Results from the degenerative changes that occur in the tissue and organs.
j. Iatrogenic – result from the treatment of the disease
2. According to Duration or Onset
a. a.Acute Illness – An acute illness usually has a short duration and is severe. Signs and symptoms appears abruptly, intense and often subside after a relatively short period.
b. Chronic Illness – chronic illness usually longer than 6 months, and can also affects functioning in any dimension. The client may fluctuate between maximal functioning and serious relapses and may be life threatening. Is is characterized by remission and exacerbation.
 Remission- periods during which the disease is controlled and symptoms are not obvious.
 Exacerbations – The disease becomes more active given again at a future time, with recurrence of pronounced symptoms.
c. Sub-Acute – Symptoms are pronounced but more prolonged than the acute disease.
3. Disease may also be Described as:
a. Organic – results from changes in the normal structure, from recognizable anatomical changes in an organ or tissue of the body.
b. Functional – no anatomical changes are observed to account from the symptoms present, may result from abnormal response to stimuli.
c. Occupational – Results from factors associated with the occupation engage in by the patient.
d. Venereal – usually acquired through sexual relation
e. Familial – occurs in several individuals of the same family
f. Epidemic – attacks a large number of individuals in the community at the same time. (e.g. SARS)

g. Endemic – Presents more or less continuously or recurs in a community. (e.g. malaria, goiter)
h. Pandemic –An epidemic which is extremely widespread involving an entire country or continent.
i. Sporadic – a disease in which only occasional cases occur. (e.g. dengue, leptospirosis)
Leavell and Clark’s Three Levels of Prevention
a. Primary Prevention – seeks to prevent a disease or condition at a prepathologic state ; to stop something from ever happening.
 Health Promotion
-health education
-marriage counseling
-genetic screening
-good standard of nutrition adjusted to
developmental phase of life
 Specific Protection
-use of specific immunization
-attention to personal hygiene
-use of environmental sanitation
-protection against occupational hazards
-protection from accidents
-use of specific nutrients
-protections from carcinogens
-avoidance to allergens
b. Secondary Prevention – also known as “Health Maintenance”.Seeks to identify specific
illnesses or conditions at an early stage with prompt intervention to prevent or limit disability;
to prevent catastrophic effects that could occur if proper attention and treatment are not
 Early Diagnosis and Prompt Treatment
-case finding measures
-individual and mass screening survey
-prevent spread of communicable disease
-prevent complication and sequelae
-shorten period of disability
 Disability Limitations
- adequate treatment to arrest disease process and prevent further complication and
-provision of facilities to limit disability and prevent death.
c. Tertiary Prevention – occurs after a disease or disability has occurred and the recovery
process has begun; Intent is to halt the disease or injury process and assist the person in
obtaining an optimal health status.To establish a high-level wellness.
“To maximize use of remaining capacities”s
 Restoration and Rehabilitation
-work therapy in hospital
- use of shelter colony